Bulk SMS for Promoting Business & Generating Leads

Looking a way to connect to your target audience, trying to get the word about your services and products. Connect with Acquirit’s Bulk Messaging Service we will help you reach your existing customer and also new customer. Hassle free Bulk Messaging service that establishes a one way or two-way communication channel. Easy to use APIs allows you to send millions of Messages in minutes. Safe, Secure and Simple service that allows you to concentrate on business rather than on the intrinsic frame work of sending message.

What are the advantages of sending Bulk Messages?

Very often a potential customer who approaches us for Bulk Messaging service is deemed to ask the advantages of this service over the other form of marketing. We at Acquirit have always perceived the advantages along the lines of business such as cost effectiveness and uptime.

Here are the significant features of Bulk Messaging:

  1. High Readability: interesting fact around 94% of messages delivered is read within 10 minutes of the delivery. This readability efficiency is not achievable by any other means of marketing.
  2. Inexpensive: Bulk SMS is relatively budget friendly when compared to print media, billboard ads or media ads.
  3. Ease of Use: Send millions of messages with simple API of Acquirit, choose from preexisting message template or create your own message easily. Create, edit and manage message groups easily.
  4. Budget Friendly: Bulk SMS are light on pocket when compared to Mass Media advertising, print media or billboards.
  5. Great Return on Investment: Expect high return on investment with no setup or hidden charges. Acquirit provides free API and only cost involved is the SMS campaign charges.
  6. Establishing Personalization in Campaign: SMS cam be personalized for every individual. They can also be personalized on the bases on demographics, personal interest, requirement or previous buying behaviors.
Acquirit Bulk Messaging Service
Bulk Messaging Service www.acquirit.in

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